Ascension Group Healing


Ascension Group Healings are gatherings of people who come together to share in a spiritual healing experience. The objective of these events is to help individuals connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, dragons, angels, and archangels in order to heal and ascend to higher levels of consciousness. During the event, you will be led through various healing activities by Ken Lewicki who is an accomplished Channeling Trainer and Healer.
The goal is to help individuals accelerate their soul’s evolution and to maximize the quality of this lifetime. Participants will leave feeling more connected to their higher selves and with a greater sense of peace and clarity.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!


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Register for Ken's Channeling Level 1 certification workshop HERE!

What is Ascension Group Healing?

Ken will start by connecting with the group. He will then LIVE channel the energies of angels, dragons, healing guides, and our ancestors. He will use his Medical Mediumship skills to 'channel' these energies through him into the group.
Ken will be able to sense any blockages or imbalances in the group and will be able to direct the healing energies to help clear and balance these areas. He will work on healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues that the group may be facing.
Ken will work with the groups' spirit guides and Archangels to perform any spiritual upgrades (activations, attunements, enhancements, etc.)

You will receive:
• Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Healing
• Akashic Records Healing, Clearing, and Rewriting
• Soul Retrieval & Healing
• Psychic Surgery 
• Deep Subconsciousness Healing (ie: Childhood Traumas)
• Ancestral Healing
• Chakra Healing 
• Auric Field Healing & Protection Upgrading
• And over 20 more different healings!

Ken focuses on healing the root cause with extraordinary results.

Benefits of Attending

The purpose of these group healings is to get you to a point where you are living without suffering (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), and manifest the dreams you desire - where you're not just surviving, you're thriving!

Some of the many benefits of attending:
• Nullify and Void any Contracts, Deals, or Agreements that are no Longer Serving you - Akashic Records Clearing
• Maximize your Spiritual Development
• Clear any Triggers
• Increase your Spiritual Protection
• Receive Transformative Healing
• Break any Generational Cycles to End Family Trauma
• Heighten Your Intuitive Abilities and Accelerate your Soul's Evolution
• Obtain massive Spiritual Upgrades to Assist you with Your Soul's Evolution, Ascension Process, and Maximize Your Life's Potential!
This event is perfect for those who are looking to heal themselves, as well as those who are just curious about the power of self-development. No prior experience is necessary. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

How it Works

When you purchase the group healing event using the button below, a Zoom link will be sent to your email. On the day of the healing event, please login 15 minutes early. Ideally, if you can be in a quiet room to "feel" all the healing and spiritual upgrades, this is best. However, it will work just as well if there is noise in the background or others present (ie: spouse, children, pets, TV, etc.).


** Each Purchase is good for one (1) computer or phone terminal. Everyone who is in the room who would like healing will receive healing, whether they are paying attention or not. There is no limit to how many can participate via one terminal!

Feel free to attend alone, or have as many friends or family attend with you as you'd like!


Upcoming Ascension Group Healing

1hr LIVE via Zoom
Price: $42 CAD ($40 + 5% tax)

Register Now
You’re one click away from receiving some of the most powerful healing and spiritual upgrades.

Click 'Register Now'!

Next Ascension Group Healing

1hr LIVE via Zoom
Price: $42 CAD ($40 + 5% tax)

Register Now


(6 Group Healings for the Price of 5!)

: If you want slow growth, this is not for you.
This is ONLY for people who want accelerated ascension!

Click "Purchase 6-Pack" to get 6 coupons that can be used at any time with no expiry date -
all for the price of 5!


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