Trance Channeling vs Conscious Channeling

channeling Mar 22, 2022



What is the difference between trance channelling and conscious channelling?

Trance channelling is where your soul leaves your body and then you allow another soul to come in and speak through you. People that do trance channelling, they're usually not aware of what's going on, so this soul will come in. They'll speak through them, they'll give messages, and it might go on for a couple of minutes. Or even a couple of hours, and between that time when that soul is not there, and then when they come back, they'll be like I have no idea what I said. "I have no idea what happened, what occurred, what transpired" that is called Trance Channelling. 

Instead, what I teach in my channelling workshops is I teach what's called conscious channelling. Conscious channelling is where you're fully conscious, 100% of the time. You are aware of what's going on in your surroundings, you're aware of what's going on, so your soul stays in your physical body and what happens is you connect with your guides or other people's guides or loved ones or whatever soul that you're channelling. You connect with them while you're staying in your body and channelling these other souls to relay a message.

So this is the difference between trance channelling and conscious channelling. 

 I'm not saying that trance channelling is right or wrong or good or bad. Some people they're able to do it and it's totally fine. Some people it's actually not good for them or healthy for them, and it's because their container, the thing that makes you up, just doesn't have the proper infrastructure to be able to handle that level of channelling.

What I teach instead is conscious channelling, you can get just as many amazing powerful messages from your guides or the people's guides or loved ones, whoever it is you're channelling while you're fully present, and you're fully in control of what's going on, so that's kind of the difference between trance channelling and conscious channelling.



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