The Best Way for Healers to Heal

healing Mar 20, 2022
Crystals, Healing, Spiritual and Psychic Healing
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How healers can get healing? This post arose as a result of what was happening on a Facebook group and someone asked a really good question, which is "if you're a healer, how do you get healing"?

What surprised me was how many people responded with, go into nature, do salt bath and go do self-healing.  It seemed like an overwhelming amount of the responses were about people doing self-healing, which I'm totally for.

Based on my number of years of experience, I've been doing this for many, many, many, many years, probably over 10 to 15 years. What I've noticed is that sometimes you can do self-healing on yourself, but other times you need other healers to help you. By saying, go into nature and have a salt bath and then you'll be totally fine. I think it's kind of misleading and I hope that that's not the consensus out there.

  I actually had a shoulder injury on my right shoulder and it was extremely bad, like extremely bad where I couldn't even lift my arm. At the time I was facilitating for the government, by standing in front of a whiteboard, conducting workshops for people on welfare, people on disability, people who were trying to find work. As I conducted these workshops, I noticed that I couldn't even lift my arm to write on the whiteboard.  It was brutal like this is was my livelihood, and I had to get the students to come up and draw things.

So what did I do?

I went to three specialists and all three specialists told me that my shoulder, my ligament, that would never heal, that I would be like this for the rest of my life. I couldn't even lift my arm over my side here and I said no screw that, like this isn't going to happen. There's no possible way. What I did is I just kept talking to my arm, kept talking my shoulder and said you are healed. 

You are healthy, you are healed, you're fully healed. I kept talking to it and talking to it. And to this day it's fully 100% healed. Even though three specialists said that there's no possible way it could have.  I even went for MRIs and did everything. That's the power of self-healing. I'm totally for that. 

The other extreme is when you go to another healer and they do all the healing. Now some people have this theory that a healer doesn't actually heal. that a healed healer just helps to propagate the healing and get the healing process going.

As a Channeler, I work with my clients to see that everything is good, to see if everything is fully healed as much as it can be. All the different aspects of them, whatever it might be, and so then when I check, I'm like, yeah, that's fully healed. Then there are other times when the client will help facilitate the healing as well so they both work together at times. 

What I want to do is, I want to make sure that if I need to go to a healer, I'm going to go to a healer. Yes, I could do self-healing, but there are other times when there are deeper issues, especially emotional, mental, depression, anxiety, things like that. Areas where I actually need way deeper healing than just going and meditating in nature?


Perhaps, what I'd like to suggest is that maybe both can be true.

That yes, you could do self-healing in some circumstances, and some you could get healing from other healers and they do the healing. Sometimes it's a combination of both. An example of that is, let's say, somebody has been in an accident and they have an injury, a physical injury and so what happens is they have that injury and no matter how much healing they try to do around it, the pain just won't go away. Then they come to someone like me as a last resort and what happens is they clear the emotional trauma around it, the energy built up and stored around it and then when they go through the physical healing, then the physical healing can take place. So sometimes it's a combination of both.

I am a big fan of Western medicine, spiritual medicine and healing, and that's why I suggest that what you do is be open to both. Like sometimes, as someone you need to go to a doctor. Then you come to some like me, we'll do as much healing as we can on the spiritual level and on the energetic level. Then it's time for you to go to the doctor. 

As a way to close out this blog post, if you have a story where you have self-healing, leave it in the comment. This could be an instance where had another healer, do full-out awesome healing on you.

 Or in another instance, if you have a story where you had a combination, where you needed both.




 Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels 

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