Step by Step How-To Channel

channeling how-to spirit guides Mar 20, 2022



Oftentimes people think that our spirit guides are Angels or different types of beings. But our spirit guides are members of our soul family and they're here to help us with very specific areas of our life. They know why we've incarnated what we want to get out of this lifetime, how we want to grow and evolve as a person.  They know what's best for us.

Imagine spirit guides they are this above the forest canopy. They could see a path that is in your best interest to follow.  It's up to you, in your best interest to follow their guidance and they really do have your best interest in mind.

I was really stubborn and rebellious and kept falling flat on my face. I think most of you know what that feels like, right? When  you go through life and you're like I shouldn't do this, but you do it anyway. Eventually, you get to a point in your life when you could fully just act on the guidance that you're getting, then the miracle starts in full. 

How-To Channel

This is the first step in learning to Channel, Whatever messages come up and whatever unfolds consider it divine.

The second thing to Channeling is, is to trust, and just go with what's coming up here.

1. Go ahead and take a nice deep breath and close your eyes

2. Now, if you know anything about your spirit guides or if you think you know anything about your spirit guides,  just for this moment just put all that aside.

3. So in your mind, without deciding who it's going to be. Invite the first spirit guide who would like to step forward, to come physically closer to you in this room.

4. Where is this spirit guide physically around you?

5. What do you sense from this guide, on that side of your body?

6.  If your guide was doing something right now, what would the guide be doing?

7. Now, remember that your guide is a person like you and me, just in a non-physical form. If you were able to describe this guide, how would you describe this guide?

8. What is their attitude like?

9. Their personality?

10. How would you describe their physical features? What are they wearing? How would you describe it?

11. And what are they doing now? What is your guide doing now?

12. When you're ready to, go ahead and open your eyes.

Interested in learning more?

Check out the Channeling Level 1 course found on my website.

Click HERE for Channeling Level 1

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