Is Channeling Safe?

channeling Mar 23, 2022

Is channelling safe? The question is YES! It is safe!

A lot of times people ask me well I don't know if I want to take your channelling workshops because I don't want to open myself up to something I shouldn't and I get it. That's a fear that a lot of people have.

What I've noticed is that people are already channelling.

We've been channelling our whole entire lives. Have you ever had that message, like that time when you're a kid or something and you're like getting these nudges. Or even lately you might have been getting these nudges or any plans to do something. 

 Oftentimes, it's you channelling your spirit guides, they are trying to give you that. Those kinds of like directions and guidance. That's what channelling is.

 Have you ever had other times when you're talking with somebody and you know you're all of a sudden, you give this message and they're like, whoa, how'd you know that? Or that's so profound? 

That's exactly what I needed to hear. That's what channelling is, so we've all been doing channelling. What I do is teach people how to channel safely so that they know what they're doing. You can make sure that you're doing it in a fun, good way. on top of that,  it's just a safe way to do it.

 Because yes, there are things that are not of the light and I'll teach you about that. Then of course there are things that are of the light, and I'll teach you how to make sure that you're only working in the light, only channelling the things that you're supposed to channel. 

We're already channelling. Why not just learn how to do it in a fun way?

Now a lot of people think oh if I channel like it's this Hollywood kind of thing. It's not really honestly, channelling is it's just you're getting these in nudges in these messages, you're getting it from your spirit guides. In my workshops, I'll teach you actually How-To know which ways your spirit guides are actually trying to communicate to you and how they're trying to get those messages to you and how to get very specific, detailed, useful, practical information in different areas of your life so you actually know how to use that information and make it apply.

 A lot of us channel, but without realizing we're channelling. What I do is, teach you how to channel to make sure that you're using it intentionally, on purpose and how to receive and extract very specific, detailed information from your spirit guides and do it in a very safe way to do it through all the areas of your life. 

Wouldn't that be fun?

If you're ever worried about, well, if I start channelling or if I take your channelling workshops, is it going to open me up to something I shouldn't? No, it won't.

First of all, you're already doing it.

Second of all, I'm going to teach you how to deal with anything that you come across that is maybe not of the light, so that you know how to deal with it and what to do with it.

Interested in learning more?

Check out the Channeling Level 1 course found on my website.

Click HERE for Channeling Level 1

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